Oh My God!!
During the last couple of weeks we have been watching and reading a lot about prophet cartoon fiasco. Now it is the turn of Hindu Goddess Durga to be taken to the protests & debates. A disco bar in Athens, Greece displayed posters of Goddess promoting a Whiskey brand. With this the “Balon Oriental Disco Bar” has invited troubles and fury from the entire Hindu community. But the most surprising fact is that the disco bar has been using this poster for the last three months and all the efforts by the local Hindu bodies went futile. 
The immediate response of my colleague on seeing this was “why don’t they do it with Jesus?” but mine was something different. I was trying to find out, which brand of whiskey is Durga holding in her Hands. It doesn’t mean that I am totally insensitive to such issues. Of course I protest. I am cursing who ever behind this, ‘silently’ (coz, I know its going to be of no use). Such acts will stir up communal hatred and violence. What would have happened if Jesus was shown with such stuff in public places?, it would surely promote anger and hatred in the mindset of people because religion is very sensitive in nature, and it has to be handled carefully. The recent Prophet cartoon issue is a good example in this scenario.

In the next couple of days this issue will brew-up in all kinds of media in India and abroad. Overnight this whiskey brand is going to be in international news. That is what the promoters of this brand want to happen. This is not an unknowing act, but a deliberate one. But they would be hardly bothered about the consequences. Nobody is going to stop consuming liquor for this reason. The possible punishments are closing down that Bar, banning the Brand of whiskey in India, and…. that’s all!! The whole purpose of giving such a punishment is that, such acts should not be repeated. But will this have any effect on Goddess Durga, who is considered to be the manifestation of extreme beauty and lethal powers?
I believe there are lots of issues in India, which requires immediate attention. Of course acts like this are condemnable but it should not waste precious time of youngsters in demonstrating against the culprits and destroying the public properties.
Friends, come back to reality…Did you know, India’s fastest train went on tracks today? India is moving fast; let us not go back to the epoch of Lords!!

The immediate response of my colleague on seeing this was “why don’t they do it with Jesus?” but mine was something different. I was trying to find out, which brand of whiskey is Durga holding in her Hands. It doesn’t mean that I am totally insensitive to such issues. Of course I protest. I am cursing who ever behind this, ‘silently’ (coz, I know its going to be of no use). Such acts will stir up communal hatred and violence. What would have happened if Jesus was shown with such stuff in public places?, it would surely promote anger and hatred in the mindset of people because religion is very sensitive in nature, and it has to be handled carefully. The recent Prophet cartoon issue is a good example in this scenario.

In the next couple of days this issue will brew-up in all kinds of media in India and abroad. Overnight this whiskey brand is going to be in international news. That is what the promoters of this brand want to happen. This is not an unknowing act, but a deliberate one. But they would be hardly bothered about the consequences. Nobody is going to stop consuming liquor for this reason. The possible punishments are closing down that Bar, banning the Brand of whiskey in India, and…. that’s all!! The whole purpose of giving such a punishment is that, such acts should not be repeated. But will this have any effect on Goddess Durga, who is considered to be the manifestation of extreme beauty and lethal powers?
I believe there are lots of issues in India, which requires immediate attention. Of course acts like this are condemnable but it should not waste precious time of youngsters in demonstrating against the culprits and destroying the public properties.
Friends, come back to reality…Did you know, India’s fastest train went on tracks today? India is moving fast; let us not go back to the epoch of Lords!!
aint amruth, the elixir of life a kind of liqor ;)
agree that we shud better concentrate on sensible issue rather than senless sensitive issues.
I have posted similar views at my blog. I don't know why that bar can't try prophet or jesus holding whisky bottles. The bar would have been reduced to pieces the next day. The Hindu gods and goddess are being taken undue advantage knowing that the protest will be mild, with an attitude 'what to do .. the world is like this'.
If you are interested to read my blog, visit http://vijaytv@blogspot.com
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